Posts in Life Wisdom
Miss Understood

The thing I have struggled with most, perhaps more than anything else in the world, is being misunderstood. I've tried, at length, to change this. To help people understand me. It took a long time, but eventually I realised, it simply didn’t work. Nobody was ever going to understand. And the more effort I put into trying to be understood, the less energy I was able to invest into simply being who I was, misunderstood or not.

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A Rainstorm, The Romans, and Love

I got stuck in a huge rainstorm one day with my friend and her husband. He wasn’t meant to be there that day, but the rain intervened, and so we gathered together to shelter in a deserted cafe overhanging a jungle ravine. Then we began to talk. My friend is an artist, and her husband is a Neuroscientist, Psychotherapist, and Doctor. He is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. But it might surprise you to learn that ten years ago, my friends husband, was a heroin addict, living on the streets. His story of transformation is profound, and today, he runs a successful practise helping other addicts, and trauma patients, rehabilitate their lives. Just like he changed his. So eventually, I asked him how he’d done it.

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